


时间:2023年09月26日 分类:SCI论文百科 次数:

今天跟随学术顾问来了解 生物1区期刊的最新相关数据 ,生物1区期刊共有94本,影响因子在20分以上的有17本,10-20分的有36本,5-10分的有34本,5分以下的7本。 其中国产期刊有11本,例如大名鼎鼎的Cell Research和Cell Discovery两姊妹,以及Molecular Plant,Protein C



  其中国产期刊有11本,例如大名鼎鼎的Cell Research和Cell Discovery两姊妹,以及Molecular Plant,Protein & Cell,Fungal Diversity等。发文量最大的是Microbiology Spectrum,年发文2008篇;其次是eLife,年发文1900篇;Cell Reports位列第三,为1450篇。年发文量低于100篇的有42本,最低的为Studies in Mycology,年发文13篇。


  1Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology112.7

  2 Nature Reviews Microbiology88.1

  3 Cell64.5

  4Nature Methods48.0

  5 Cell Research44.1

  6Nature Reviews Genetics42.7

  7 Lancet Microbe38.2

  8 Cell Discovery33.5

  9Nature Genetics30.8

  10Cell Metabolism29.0

  11 Nature Microbiology28.3

  12Molecular Plant27.5

  13 Annual Review of Plant Biology23.9

  14 Nature Cell Biolo21.3

  15 Protein & Cell21.1

  16Trends in Plant Science20.5

  17 Fungal Diversity20.3

  18Trends in Cell Biology19.0

  19 Nature Plants18.0

  20Trends in Ecology & Evolution16.8

  21 Nature Ecology & Evolution16.8

  22Nature Structural & Molecular Biology16.8

  23 Annual Review of Biochemistry16.6

  24 Studies in Mycology16.5

  25 Molecular Cell16.0

  26Trends in Microbiology15.9

  27 Microbiome15.5

  28Nature Protocols14.8

  29 Nature Chemical Biology14.8

  30 Mycosphere14.6

  31 Trends in Biochemical Sciences13.8

  32 Autophagy13.3

  33Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews12.9

  34 Annual Review of Biophysics12.4

  35Cell Death and Differentiation12.4

  36Genome Biology12.3

  37 Genome Medicine12.3

  38Annual Review of Ecology11.8

  39Evolution and Systematics Developmental Cell11.8

  40Plant Cell11.6

  41 Embo Journal11.4

  42Trends in Genetics11.4

  43Redox Biology11.4

  44Journal of Integrative Plant Biology11.4

  45Fems Microbiology Reviews11.3

  46Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology11.3

  47 Annual Review of Genetics11.1

  48Molecular Biology and Evolution10.7

  49 Annual Review of Microbiology10.5

  50Genes & Development10.5

  51 Plant Communications10.5


  53 Biological Reviews10.0

  54Molecular Systems Biology9.9

  55American Journal of Human Genetics9.8

  56Plos Biology9.8

  57 New Phytologist9.4

  58Cell Systems9.3

  59 Current Biology9.2

  60 Npj Biofilms and Microbiomes9.2

  61 Persoonia9.1

  62Science China-Life Sciences9.1

  63Cell Death & Disease9.0

  64Cell Reports8.8

  65Cell Chemical Biology8.6

  66Cell Proliferation8.5

  67Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters8.3

  68Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences8.0

  69Aging Cell7.8

  70 Journal of Cell Biology7.8


  72Molecular Ecology Resources7.7

  73 Plant Physiology7.4

  74 Science Signaling7.3

  75 Plant Cell and Environment7.3

  76Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology7.2

  77 Plant Journal7.2

  78Genome Research7.0

  79 Molecular & Cellular Proteomics7.0

  80 Matrix Biology6.9

  81 Journal of Experimental Botany6.9

  82 Systematic Biology6.5


  84Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences6.3

  85Journal of Molecular Cell Biology5.5

  86Ima Fungus5.4

  87Evolution Letters5.0

  88Molecular Ecology4.9

  89Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences4.7

  90 Movement Ecology4.1

  91Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution4.1

  92Microbiology Spectrum3.7

  93Journal of Systematics and Evolution3.7



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