The Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering disseminates to the profession engineering and scientific advances made in the COPRI disciplines. The journal is a strong forum for civil engineering disciplines related to ocean, coastal and riverine waters as well as the interaction of these waters and the adjacent built and natural environments. This broad scope makes the Journal an ideal choice for the publication and dissemination of archival contributions dealing with important related topics. Topics include dredging, floods, sediment transport, tides, wind waves and storm surge, tsunamis, climate change, rising sea level, extreme weather events and other hazards that affect shorelines, waterways, estuaries, and ports and harbors, as well as efforts to mitigate the impact of such hazards. Of equal interest is the development and operation of offshore facilities and ocean resource utilization, such as renewable energy and ocean mining. Types of publications include original journal articles, comprehensive review articles, short technical notes, case studies of special interest to the readership, book reviews, and special issues on selected topics.